Finding the Right Words


Weicom AB – Finding the Right Words

Welcome to Weicom AB, a translation agency specialising in:

translations into Swedish
from Danish, Norwegian, English and German.

Weicom AB has several years of experience in translating texts that are used for advertising/marketing, company presentations and staff and customer newpapers in the following fields:

  • Cosmetics and skincare
  • Food and drink
  • General texts
  • Health, fitness and wellness
  • Tourism
  • Training material
  • Other end consumer related products and services.

Weicom AB also provides proofreading services.

About Weicom AB

Weicom AB is run and owned by me, Annie Weibull. I have worked as a full-time translator since 1997, when I graduated from the translation course at Lund University, Sweden. I am a member of  Swedish Association of Professional Translators (SFÖ, Sveriges Facköversättarförening).


As a professional translator, I only translate into my mother tongue, Swedish.

Finding the Right Words

Texts are translated for practical use. A good translation is not only linguistically correct, it must also be done with its user in mind.

A Translator’s Most Important Tool is You

You, the customer, can provide a lot of information that will help me produce a good translation. You know what the text will be used for and who will read it and use it. This is important information for a translator. So tell me about your company and your products and services. You may have reference material you can give me, for example product catalogues and instructions for use. The more background material the translator has, the better the translation will be.
In many sectors, the terminology is becoming increasingly specialised. Therefore, it is important for a translator to enjoy a good, close working relationship with his or her customers. No specialist dictionaries or translation memories in the world can measure up to a customer’s knowledge of the correct terminology and linguistic usage in the sector in question. Translators set great store by having a contact at their customer whom they can consult about terms and usage.

Business Concept

Weicom AB’s business concept is to supply high-quality specialist translations tailored to the correct target group within the agreed deadline.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you want a quotation for a specific text.
I can give you a fast, detailed quotation if you let me have the following information:

– the size of the text (pages/words)
– what the text is to be used for and who is to read/use it
– the file format (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Studio etc.)
– the required delivery date and delivery method.

When you send me an inquiry, you can attach the file or an extract from it.

Other Useful Information

Weicom AB observes strict professional secrecy.

The company GDPR Policy can be found here.

I work on a PC with Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Studio SDL and Memsource.

Weicom AB
Harald Blåtands gränd 12
S-224 77 Lund
Phone: +46 (0)46 13 89 22, +46 (0)703 36 46 05
Web site: